While the COVID-19 pandemic has caused uncertainty in the lives of many people across the country, RxBenefits’ Strategic Account Executives Sara Raven and Manthan Satyawadi and Account Manager Varonda Johnson are taking the opportunity to help others.
“We’re blessed to be working for a company that’s fully functional right now,” Manthan said. “Service is one of the pillars, the foundation of our company, and it just seems right to help someone else if I can.”
Manthan, who lives in Chicago, is involved with several relief efforts. He and his girlfriend have joined a group to support Chicago’s hospitality workers. “We enjoy eating out a lot, and many of those people are without jobs right now,” he said. He also actively searches groups on Facebook to offer grocery delivery to those unable to shop for themselves.
Sara, located in Ogdensburg, New York, is a stone’s throw from the Canadian border. She is volunteering with Meals on Wheels in the area. Meals on Wheels programs are focused on keeping older Americans safe and nourished in communities across the country.
“They’ve recently been stretched thin with resources. Without volunteers, the program could be at risk to provide a hot meal to the folks that rely on them every day,” Sara said. “I was able to adjust my workday schedule to offer my time to help. It feels right to give back to the elderly that are more at risk at this time.”
Varonda lives in Grand Prairie, Texas, in the heart of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. She and her husband Keith created their own program to help low-income individuals who are out of work.
“We’ve begun providing what we call ‘Food and Funds’ to help individuals cope with what’s going on today and make sure they have what they need until they can return to work,” Varonda said.
All three of these Account Management teammates said RxBenefits’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic inspired their efforts.
“Normally at this time of year I’m traveling, delivering reviews to clients,” Manthan said. “Since we can’t travel, I thought I would use some of that time to help where I could. This company operates as a family. People have helped me through challenges, and now I’m in a position to help others.”