RxBenefits’ VP of Clinical Services Explains Pharmacy Benefits Made Simple on Outcomes Rocket Podcast

Vice President of Clinical Solutions, Mark Campbell, PharmD, joined the Outcomes Rocket podcast to discuss how RxBenefits partners with employee benefits consultants and self-funded employers to help them manage the high costs of new innovative therapies in a sustainable way for their pharmacy benefits plan. In the interview, Mark shares insights about the complex prescription benefits industry and finding opportunities to drive better clinical and economic outcomes for employers. The following is a brief excerpt; you can listen to the full interview here.

“I think there is an enormous amount of potential on the horizon. Employers are going to see a lot of new drugs come to market, and many of those new drugs can be particularly valuable to them and to the employees covered under their benefit. If you look at where certain types of cancers were 20 years ago, we might have said, ‘we’ve done all we can.’ We know people who’ve been living with chronic myelogenous leukemia for 20 plus years, and that would have been unheard of a long time ago. We have people with rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions that have a therapy that has made a material difference not only in their daily lives but in their life expectancy. I think we’ll continue to see much more of that.

What we have to do, though, is make sure that [covering these innovative drugs is] sustainable for employers, that it’s affordable for employers. That’s where I get very excited about what we’re doing because I think we’re really helping them match up the accountability for both making sure that things are as clinically appropriate and economically practical as possible.”

Continue to the Outcomes Rocket podcast and download the full interview to hear more from Mark about the pharmacy benefits industry and RxBenefits’ clinical management programs.

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