RxBenefits’ CCO Explains Why One-Size Doesn’t Fit All in Pharmacy Benefits Management

The work environment matters when it comes to employees’ health care and pharmacy benefits needs. Many times the work conditions contribute to distinct health risk factors unique to people in that industry. In an article for BenefitsPRO, RxBenefits’ Chief Client Officer, Nathan White, looks at the trucking vertical as an example of why a tailored pharmacy benefits strategy and customized plan design is critical to meeting both employers’ and their members’ needs. Following is a brief excerpt; you can read the full article here.

One-Size-Fits-All Doesn’t Work: How to Customize Pharmacy Benefits For Industry Needs

As employee benefits advisors work with their self-funded clients to build the ideal pharmacy benefits plan for the coming year, one thing worth considering is the significant differences in employee populations’ health status from one sector to the next. Work and working conditions shape individuals’ exposure to a wide array of physical, environmental, and psychosocial factors that can influence health.

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