Meet Our Expert: Jack Tew, Vice President of Business Development

Jack Tew, Vice President of Business Development, joined RxBenefits in 2014 as a Business Development Executive. From being the consultant to now the “consultant’s consultant,” Jack brings more than 20 years of deep pharmacy expertise and employee benefit consulting experience to RxBenefits.

A client-facing role early in his professional career is where Jack noticed that the industry’s critical need for expertise and guidance was lacking. Seeing this gap is what led Jack down the path of becoming an employee benefits consultant, a role that allowed him to expand his pharmacy expertise and gain employee benefit consulting experience. “As a benefits consultant, I was able to see RxBenefits in action managing several of my clients’ pharmacy benefits,” says Jack, “not a bad way to prepare for joining the team.”

In May of 2021, Jack was elevated from his director-level role to Vice President of Business Development. Not only has Jack seen substantial growth personally, but within his team as well. “It’s been amazing to go from having just a few of us in Business Development, trying to cover the entire country, to now having a team specialized in each different marketplace and territory understanding the specific competitive dynamics in play,” says Jack of the team’s expansion.

In his new role, Jack leads a Business Development team representing RxBenefits in the marketplace, focusing on building and cultivating relationships with consulting partners and clients. “What I enjoy most about my role is continuously developing new relationships internally at RxBenefits and externally in the market, all while nurturing the ones already established,” says Jack. “It never stops or gets stale. That’s the fun part.”

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