Kelly Chillingworth Featured in Drug Store News

RxBenefits’ Northeast Business Development Director, Kelly Chillingworth, RPh, MHA-Ed, CGP, was featured in an article for Drug Store News August 2020 print publication. The article, titled “Safely Navigating a Storm,” focuses on the importance of ensuring patient safety in the retail drug industry. In her interview, Kelly explains how RxBenefits ensures members get the right dose of the proper prescription at the right time. The following is a brief excerpt; you can find their full August 2020 editorial here.

Safely Navigating a Storm

Kelly Chillingworth, RxBenefits’ director of business development, said that RxBenefits’ data, technology and professional service solutions help boost economic and clinical value by ensuring members get the right dose of the right medication for the right condition at the right time. “Our responsibility is advocating inside the complex pharmacy ecosystem to serve the best financial interest of the plan sponsor and the best health interest of the members,” she said.

When a pharmacist or pharmacy technician enters a prescription for a medication into a pharmacy system, RxBenefits ensures a series of checks are performed to ensure the medication is both cost-effective and being prescribed in accordance with the Food and Drug Administration guidelines.

In addition to the standard edits its back-end PBM partners put in place – things like quantity limits and step therapies – RxBenefits’ clinical team maintains a low clinical value drug formulary to eliminate wasteful spending, so valuable healthcare dollars can be redirected to more effective prevention and treatment strategies. “We add extra eyes and helping hands to support both busy prescribers and pharmacists in their efforts to create better healthcare outcomes,” Chillingworth said.

Continue to Drug Store News’ August 2020 print publication here. To read the full article in which Kelly is featured “Safely Navigating a Storm,” skip to page 76. Kelly’s interview can be found on page 86.

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