Pharmacy Benefits Financial Analysis
Your client’s pharmacy savings are waiting.
Send us your claims file to complete your financial analysis.
Reconnect with one of our experts and allow them to closely examine your clients’ pharmacy spend to highlight inefficiencies and provide actionable insights for significant cost reductions.
Apples-to-Apples Comparison
We compare the incumbent’s prices to RxBenefits’ negotiated contract pricing across the big PBMs. By repricing your claims data through pre-negotiated contracts, we can determine whether your current situation is market competitive.
An independent review led by an expert PharmD
Find out if clinical savings are being left on the table. Receive an independent review of utilization patterns and proactive clinical recommendations from a licensed PharmD.
The really beneficial part of working with RxBenefits is utilizing the current data and projecting out the potential savings of what that would be with a different pharmacy carriers
Cisive Inc. – Finance & Marketing Group Analyst, Health & Benefits